The Story of Brooklyn the Cat from Fort Lee
Brooklyn is a 12-year-old male cat with a history of acute onset of difficulty breathing. His owner uses the Long Island Veterinary Specialists for any major problems with her feline family. He was rushed to LI Veterinary Specialists where he was diagnosed with a large heart (cardiomegaly) and fluid in the lungs. He had an echocardiogram which revealed a large left atrium and right atrium, two of the four chambers of the heart. He also had a thickened left ventricle, the main pumping chamber of the heart. He was diagnosed with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Congestive Heart Failure. This occurs often in cats and can develop suddenly, with no previous clinical signs and no known cause, though there may be a genetic basis. In this case, he was placed on several cardiac medications and had fluid removed from his chest. Following that, he did very well.
He is monitored frequently to make sure he is breathing well, and he has periodic blood tests to check his kidney function, which was affected by the heart condition and the medications. His medications are adjusted when necessary to keep him comfortable and to keep the kidneys working well. He is eating well, and breathing better, and is back to being a normal happy member of the household. .
LI Veterinary Specialists performed the echo and the medical management of Brooklyn, and Dr. Krausman and her staff of Vet on Wheels monitor his health between hospital visits. The doctors communicate regularly to ensure he is getting the best of care. He is much less stressed being seen at home, and he wants attention 5 minutes after the exam. This shows how house calls can be beneficial. Reducing the stress of traveling to the hospital, for both pet and human companion.